r Ministry of Defence - Sri Lanka

Locally made Ballistic Rubber sample introduced

January 14, 2019

The newly-developed and local made ballistic rubber sample for firing developed by upon a series of scientific researches, spearheaded by the Centre for Research and Development (CRD) was presented to the Commander of the Army, Lieutenant General Mahesh Senanayake at the Army Headquarters on Wednesday (09 January). According to Army media the new product was presented to the Army Commander by the researcher, Major N. A. B. M. S. Nishshanka of the Sri Lanka Armoured Corps (SLAC), attached to the CRD.

The product saw the light of the day as a result of researches conducted for more than 6 months, followed by 5 months of continuous testing to upgrade its quality and the durability. It will be first tested during the proposed Special Forces Capacity Building Facility at the 3rd Special Force Regiment, in Vavuniya prior to be introduced to the Sri Lanka Air Force and the Navy in the future. This locally made product once in use is expected to save considerable amounts of money.